Construction of Aprons & Taxiways

Client: Thomas & Coffey

Location: RAAF Base Williamtown (Ordnance Loading Aprons)

Scope of Works: Construction of taxiways, aprons and roadways. Project Value approximately$6m.  Works included

  • Clearing and bulk earthworks and improving the variable subgrade conditions caused by the previous land use of sand mining.
  • Construction of airport pavements in accordance with stringent specifications for material supply, compaction and level control.  Proving pavement with both Pneumatic and Solid Tyred MARCO Rollers.
  • Works were constructed adjacent to the existing operational Williamtown RAAF base runway.  Thus, issues associated with a live runway had to be considered.  For example, site security, foreign object debris (FOD),  firm program requirements and aircraft noise.

The OLA project had a number of very sensitive environmental aspects that required careful management

  • Working on permeable sandy soils “The Tomago Sandbeds” which are used to supplement Hunter Waters supply.
  • Protection of threatened plant species “Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. decadens
  • Implementation of a management plan to prevent spread of “Phytophthora cinnamomi”, a soil-borne water mould that has the potential to cause widespread dieback of native vegetation