Newcastle Private Hospital Carpark

Client: Newcastle Private Hospital

Location: Newcastle Private Hospital, New Lambton Heights, NSW

Scope of Works: Construction of a new car park and ring road to accommodate the new oncology department in the hospital. Project Value Approximate $200k. Works included:

  • Removal of two separate existing ring roads and associated landscaping.
  • Construction of new car parks and a single ring road (Gravel pavement with asphalt wearing course plus kerb and gutter) to access all areas serviced by previous two roads.
  • Upgrade of, and connection to existing stormwater systems
  • Regrade and repave to match into existing footpaths.
  • Landscape finished area to Hospitals specifications.

The NPH project had a number of critical issues to be dealt with during construction.

  • The new ring road to be constructed fronted two hospital buildings that had to have vehicle access at all times.
  • The work site was to have pedestrian traffic through it 24hrs a day.
  • Patients needed to be transported between the two hospital buildings over the paving works whilst being they were being constructed.

The project needed to be completed quickly, with no extensions of time for wet weather, to allow patients into the hospital